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Fourth Oregon Climate Assessment Report 

State of Climate Science: 2019

Oregon is already experiencing statewide impacts of a changing climate.

Icon of Oregon.

The challenges are great, but there are opportunities to 

adapt to a rapidly changing Oregon.


Careful management of natural resources can help reduce the climate risks that the natural resource economy faces.

What is the OCAR4 Report?

The state continues to warm as a result of the heat-trapping gases emitted into the atmosphere from global activity. The 4th Oregon Climate Assessment Report (OCAR4) represents a convergence of evidence of the risks that Oregon is facing, and will face in a changing climate, drawing from the past three Oregon Climate Assessment Reports, the 4th US National Climate Assessment, and other peer reviewed literature, and other analyses performed by the Oregon Climate Change Research Institute (OCCRI) and research partners.





Snow + Water Supply


Fire Risk


Website Designed By:

Oregon State University Graphic Design Students

Nichole Beyer, Faith Sully, and Michael Nolan

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